Our Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

As you may know, the law relating to data protection was superseded in May 2018 by a new regulation, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This is a short summary of that regulation as it applies to London Dynamo.

The new regulation means you can access any personal data an organisation holds on you. You also have the right to additional information including: the right to know what your data is being used for; to whom it has been or will be disclosed; and the period for which it will be stored.

London Dynamo needs some basic information about you in order to carry out your club’s activities and administration. Mainly this is your name, address and other contact details so that we can keep you informed of the club’s activities. We believe this is what the legislation refers to as a “legitimate interest” and is essential in order for us to carry on the work we do to enable your club to function. We do not share your information with anyone outside the club and we also ensure the security of the data we hold.

We also believe that our communications with you such as the regular newsletter are what you would reasonably expect to receive when you become a member and also fall within the definition of “legitimate interest”. As such we do not need to obtain a specific “opt-in” from all our members to receiving such communications from us. You will still be able to “opt out” from some or all of our communications.

If you would like to know more, you may like to look at our full data protection policy on the website here.